Through Education

The Marsha Neal-Vann (MNV) Scholarship Foundation invests in students advancing their access to knowledge, resources, and financial support as they seek higher education.

Promote and provide financial support for S.T.E.M. Education

Advocate for socio-economic balance among student experience

Serve as a resource for students applying to college

Educational opportunities through academic programs and workshops

Roadmap to
College Success

MNV Scholarship Foundation helps to create roadmaps while sparking excellence and the leaders within our students. As we award scholarships, we are investing in our scholars and their future impact upon the world.

Investing in Educational Equity

Unlocking the rich and unlimited potential within our scholars is a key goal of the MNV Scholarship Foundation. Your investment helps put college in their reach. Our students’ higher education journey opens up a dynamic experience that they can use to make their communities and the world better.