Who We Are

Marsha Neal-Vann (MNV) Scholarship Foundation was born out of a deep-seated need to help level the imbalance in the educational system in South Florida. MNV Scholarship Foundation helps build equity for educational advancement by empowering students with the most impactful tools to elevate their learning, helping to neutralize the educational playing field.

Our belief is that education is an equal opportunity right that should be afforded to all students. Based upon that conviction, we aim to build stronger communities to promote the advancement of Black students. We desire to truly prioritize the black educational experience, giving our young scholars hope for the future. With our Founder, Mrs. Marsha Neal-Vann, at the helm leading with over 30+ years of educational mastery, MNV Scholarship Foundation is dedicated to cultivating measurable impact creating new possibilities for our youth.

Meet the Founder

The bell rang and school started. These were the first days of school at Campbell Drive Middle School. Marsha Neal-Vann was a shy middle school student, sitting in class quietly observing. She walked the halls of Campbell until she outgrew the walls and graduated up to high school, then college. As fate would have it, Marsha returned to Campbell (Drive) as a teacher, enriching her students’ lives for over 30+ years.

In 2014, Campbell Middle School closed or “repurposed” as the school system called it. Shortly after, Marsha retired in 2015, but her passion for education and to help students succeed was still burning deep inside of her. During the early part of her retirement, Marsha faced many personal challenges, but through prayer, perseverance and the encouragement of her daughter, close friends and relatives she gained her the inner strength to lead positive change again.

From that experience, the Marsha Neal-Vann Scholarship Foundation was born. Marsha’s deep commitment for supporting youth in her community is her life’s work. She sees herself in her students and became the accomplished leader she is today because of them. She created the foundation to help students in the areas that are often marginalized and often overlooked to build better lives.

Today, as a graduate of Bethune-Cookman University with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, and Nova Southeastern University with a Master’s in Computer Applications and Educational Specialist Degree in Leadership, Marsha gives back to the students in the community. She is also encouraging others to join her mission to positively impact lives, and motivate our youth in the community

Our Mission

The mission of the Marsha Neal-Vann Scholarship Foundation is to build a better community by creating pathways to postsecondary education for aspiring students who have the desire to attend college but lack the means. Our mission is built upon the premise that education is an equal opportunity right that should be afforded to all that seek it. We intend to promote equity in the attainment of higher education for Black students. Specifically, our foundation will:

Provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships to students pursuing degrees in postsecondary S.T.E.M. Education

Promote postsecondary educational opportunities through academic programs, workshops and community engagement events

Provide support for the seamless transition from High School to College for first-time college students

Serve as a resource
for students
applying to college

Advocate for a positive collegiate experience for students entering college from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds